Saturday, June 25, 2011

Soup it up!!!!! (aka Foodie Friday: Week 3!!!!)

Well hello, darling foodies!!!! :) 
Happy FRIDAY!!!!!!!! I hope each of you had a beautiful week full of delicious, heart-warming, tummy-friendly meals. I've actually been extremely tied up in the kitchen lately, which isn't a bad thing. Most of my daytime activities take place in the kitchen. I cook/prepare breakfast, I fix a snack/lunch a bit later in the afternoon, then I begin to make/assemble dinner which is usually quite time consuming!!! It seems that I eat more than anyone else in this household!!! The SCD diet is truly an eye-catcher, let me tell you. My cousins Jody & Jon are especially shocked to see how much meat I consume in comparison to them. It's shockingly MARVELOUS!!!! :) I soak up all the glory for my well-oiled machine of a body. Rock on, new gut!!!!!!! I eat numerous chicken thighs per week, plus multiple pounds of ground beef meatballs. In addition to that, I also happily devour tons of eggs!!!!! Oh, and several salmon fillets each week as well! What's the best part, you ask? I'm proud to admit that I feel absolutely amazing!!!! These past few days have been slightly rocky for my legs though (darn inflammation!!), so chicken soup shall be my meals for a little while. On a more positive note, I introduced canned sardines the other morning & found them to be utterly divine!!!! Quite similar to tuna in my opinion!!!! :) I'm always looking for travel-friendly foods & sardines are a perfect fit! Although, I'm much more excited about my fresh batch of chicken soup (notice the SPANKIN' NEW POT!!!!!). The soup heals EVERYTHING. I wish I could give you all the pleasure of taking in the glorious smell it released while simmering for 4 wonderful hours. MMMMMM!!!!!!! :) 

As much as it pains me to end this post, my organic cotton bed is speaking to me. It is quite late here in Denver (almost midnight!!!) & my extensive amount of cooking has taken a toll on my energy!!! Before I go, I shall leave a "Foodie Friday" question. :) 

How is everyone (you non-SCDers!!) doing? Any new SCDers out there? :) Let me know how you all are feeling, how magical this process has been for you. 

Goodnight, my supporters & fellow SCDers!!!! <3 Sleep tight!! (can't wait to see your responses to my question of the week!!) :)

My new 16 qt. pot!!!!! :D 
Healing chicken soup ready for prep

Pureed carrots with a spoonful of broth for flavor mixed in. Totally DELISH. :) I add this to the broth the next morning after the fat's been scraped off the top. 

My latest new food!!! Perfect for travel!!!!! :) Great protein & Omega-3's!!!